On this page you can find the latest exchange rate between the Australian Dollar and the Swiss Franc, results are updated every minute.
The Swiss Franc is the currency of Switzerland. The code for the Swiss Franc is CHF. The symbol for the Swiss Franc is Fr. The code for the Australian Dollar is AUD. The symbol for the Australian Dollar is AU$.
Converter Australian Dollar (AUD) to Swiss Franc (CHF)
With our AUD to CHF converter, you can easily convert the Australian Dollar (AUD) To Swiss Franc (CHF). All conversions are done with real-time rates and the input amount will not change until the transformation has been completed!
AUD to CHF Chart
The AUD/CHF Chart is a great way to see how this pair’s currency rate has changed in the past. You can also use it for future transactions if you’re thinking about buying or selling Australian dollars with Swiss Francs since there are no other charts that cover more than 24 hours!
What is the difference between AUD and CHF?
AUD is the currency code for the Australian dollar, while CHF is the currency code for the Swiss franc. Both are fiat currencies, meaning they are not backed by any physical commodity. The Swiss franc is considered a safe haven currency, while the Australian dollar is more volatile.
How many AUD are in 100 CHF?
There are currently 84.52 Australian dollars in 100 Swiss francs. This number changes every minute, so be sure to check the latest rates.
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Jay is a data analyst and research writer. He works in the field of finance, decentralised finance, stock market, and business. He used to work as a finance consultant in Silicon Vally, after which he decided to reduce his stress levels and go on a less-thriving way. His favourite graphic novel is Hellblazer.