If you’re travelling from the UK to Poland, you’ll need to convert your British Pounds into Polish Zloty. The easiest way to do this is by using a currency converter. Here at XE, we offer a free currency converter that can help you budget for your trip and make sure you get the best possible rate.
Converter British Pounds (GBP) to Polish Zlotych (PLN)
To use our currency converter, simply enter the amount of British Pounds you want to convert and select ‘GBP’ in the first drop-down box. Then, select ‘PLN’.
For example, if you have 100 GBP to convert, you’ll get approximately 427.63 Polish Zloty in return. The actual rate you’ll receive will depend on the currency exchange rate at the time of your transaction.
GBP to NOK Chart
This GBP/PLN chart lets you see the relationship between the two currencies over time.
To get an idea of what kind of rate you can expect, check out our GBP to PLN currency chart. This lets you see how the two currencies have been performing against each other over time. You can also view our historical exchange rates to see how the British Pound has fared against the Polish Zloty in the past.
GBP/PLN Exchange Rate
Hits Over 3.5-Year High
The British Pound to Polish Zloty (GBP/PLN) exchange rate is +0.16% higher on Thursday morning, extending this week’s rally to its fourth consecutive day as the single currency continues to be driven by renewed hopes for a Brexit breakthrough and strong UK.
British Pound Sterling (GBP) to Polish Zloty (PLN)
Convert 100 GBP to PLN: 427.63 Polish Zlotych
What is Polish currency?
The Polish currency is the Złoty (pronounced ZWOT-ee), which means “golden”. The currency has been in use since the 14th century and was introduced by King Casimir III.
How do you count Polish money?
Poland uses the Zloty as its currency, which is subdivided into 100 Groszy.
1 Zloty = 100 Groszy
5 Groszy = 1/20 Zloty
10 Groszy = 1/10 Zloty
20 Groszy = 2/10 Zloty
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Jay is a data analyst and research writer. He works in the field of finance, decentralised finance, stock market, and business. He used to work as a finance consultant in Silicon Vally, after which he decided to reduce his stress levels and go on a less-thriving way. His favourite graphic novel is Hellblazer.